9月1日,加拿大约克大学校长Rhonda Lenton教授,给所有约克同学发送了一封关于线下课程入校日期推迟的通知邮件。
La version française suit la version anglaise.
Dear York Community,
Last week, I shared that as of September 7, the University will will begin to require proof of vaccination through YU Screen for all who will be attending our campuses this fall. Yesterday, we received long awaited guidance from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities for the fall. This direction appears to align with much of our planning for the upcoming academic term but we will be carefully analyzing the revised regulations for the post-secondary sector over the next 24 hours. We expect to provide a further update regarding any impacts of this guidance, including more detailed information on York’s vaccination policy and procedures, later this week.
我在上周分享了从9月7日起,约克将要求所有今年秋季的入校人员通过 YU Screen 提供疫苗接种证明。昨天,我们收到了期待已久的高教部MCU秋季指导。大方向与我们对新学期的计划一致,但学校仍将在24小时内仔细分析针对大学的修订规定。预计在本周晚些时候提供有关此指导所带来影响的进一步更新,包括有关约克疫苗接种政策和程序的更详细信息。
In light of the revised MCU guidance, and in order to allow more time for everyone to submit their proof of vaccination or be vaccinated at one of our upcoming clinics, I am writing to provide an important update regarding the return to campus dates. We believe the changes we are making further strengthen our approach to a safe return to campus this year.
Return to Campus Update
All classes, including those scheduled for in-person instruction, will be delivered online or remotely, up to and including Sunday, September 12.
For courses scheduled with an in-person meeting between September 8-12, instructors are asked to communicate directly with students to indicate how classes will be delivered remotely on those days.
In any in-person course where remote delivery between September 8-12 would put student learning outcomes at risk, instructors should approach their Associate Dean for an exception to teach in person on those dates, or to make other arrangements including make-up classes later in the term.
Where exceptions are approved for in-person learning, instructors will be in touch with students. Osgoode Hall Law School has been excepted and the Dean’s office will be in touch to explain required steps before coming to campus.
On-campus instruction for all classes designated as in-person will commence on Monday, September 13, 2021.
Instructors and faculty members can access support for online and remote teaching through Going Remote.
教师和教职员工可以通过 Going Remote 获得对在线和远程教学的支持。
Events planned for the transition period extending between September 7-12 can continue in alignment with current physical distancing and masking requirements, and researchers and others who have already been approved to access our campuses can continue their work during this time.
Please note that up until September 6, access to many buildings on our campuses will remain restricted and individuals must use the Campus Access System to request approval. From September 7 onwards, community members will only be required to use the YU Screen tool before coming to campus to: 1) self-screen and 2) upload their proof of vaccination or submit a request for a medical exemption. More information will be forthcoming later this week for individuals who are not fully vaccinated by September 7.
请注意,直到9月6日,进入校园内的许多建筑物仍将受到限制,入校前须使用校园访问系统Campus Access System来审批。从9月7日起,社区成员只需在入校前使用 YU Screen 工具来:1) 自我筛查和 2) 上传疫苗接种证明或提交医疗豁免请求。本周晚些时候将提供关于无法在9月7日前完成疫苗完全接种人员的更多信息。
Staff will also work remotely from September 7-12 and will return to campus for the week of September 13, subject to specific exceptions for those staff providing required services or who are otherwise engaged in fall preparations and therefore need to attend campus before September 13. Your manager will be in touch with you about how this may apply.
工作人员将在9月7日至12 日进行远程工作,并将在9月13日这周返回校园,但提供必要服务或因参与秋季准备工作必须在9月13日前到校的工作人员的情况除外。直属领导会与员工联系传达具体信息。
Full details on York’s vaccine policy and exemptions will be shared with the community later this week.
I appreciate the patience and goodwill on the part of all community members as we continue to work together to ensure a safe return to our campuses this fall. Please know that the well-being of our community is our top priority. I look forward to sharing more details with you later this week and to seeing you on our campuses this fall.
Rhonda Lenton
President & Vice-Chancellor